Celebrate With Us

It’s been a great four years! This entire adventure started with a desire to create a services company that provides solutions to allow customers the opportunity to protect their team members. There is a reason we chose the picture of the table and computer for the picture that goes along with this post. That is where Pro Safety & Rescue was born. It took a lot of very long nights, sitting at the kitchen table, burning the candle from both ends to make it all happen. Those long nights were spent planning for the company’s future, writing all of the procedures, policies, and HR documents, and building up the company equipment.

All of that work began to pay off as some of our first customers began to encourage us to keep going. We landed two customers right as the company became official. Word spread quickly as we were putting everything we had into serving them. We started getting calls to come work with other companies in the area. By this time the word was out and this big ball that was Pro Safety & Rescue began to gain momentum. At that time, if you would have asked one of our customers about us, they would say it was our level of services that keeps us around.

We have some extremely powerful core values within our company culture. We believe that in order for our team to provide the best possible safety and rescue services to our customers we must be guided and led by strong core values. These are known as our High 5. Here is what they are:

Servant Leadership – This is the foundation of who we are. We are to first be leaders in serving, whether in the community or on the job site, we are to serve those around us. Putting service first will, in turn, allows us to then become leaders in what we do.
Integrity – Without personal and team integrity, we have no business doing business. We strive to remember that integrity means always doing the right thing in everything we do, whether someone is watching us or not.
Professionalism – As a team and individually, we are passionate about providing professional safety and rescue services. We make sure that our presentation and processes are far above anyone you’ve worked with before.
Excellence – We are united by our pursuit for excellence in all that we do. Our team is obsessed with making sure that they live by the term excellence in the ordinary. That’s in our paperwork, our driving, and more.
Honesty – In all areas of business, we need to be open and transparent. Honesty is not an option for our team, it’s a priority. We believe that a person is only as good as the words they give, good or bad, it doesn’t matter.
Our mission, as a company, is to serve our customers in creating and sustaining a safe work environment by providing professional rescue and safety services. At the heart of that mission is protecting the whole person. Every aspect of a team members safety is covered by us. We will get into more detail about our services in future posts so make sure to visit often.

That foundation is what has helped that big ball gain and sustain the momentum it has. All of our business was spreading by word of mouth. Our customers just kept referring their friends and colleagues to us or us to their friends and colleagues.

As time went on and we started picking up more customers we began to outgrow our little kitchen table and began to take over our 3 car garage. Business was great and our customer base became larger and larger over the next couple of years. We had grown into a full blown safety and rescue company with a tribe of loyal customers that where not only dedicated to partner with us but genuinely excited to see our growth.

Three years into our little adventure we began to our grow our 3 car garage. We spent a lot of time trying to find the best possible location to move our growing business. We looked at a lot of different spots, they were either way too big, too small, too expensive, or just not in the right location. Frustration began to set in and we began to wonder if there was even a spot for us. Throughout the process we looked at one location that ended up being in a part of town that was on the complete opposite side of town and one of the more expensive locations.

After a lot of deliberation, we ended up taking a huge chance and went with the property. Boy are we glad we did. It has been a huge blessing and we have been able to grow so much. We look forward to the company growing even more in the near future. As a matter of fact, that is exactly what has been happening over this last year, but that is for another post.

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What our clients have to say...

I have nothing but wonderful experiences working with Pro Safety & Rescue, Inc. Whenever we need them, even last minute, they are there for us ready to work.

Bob Waters
Maintenance Manager